
Salary Soft

Salary Soft is a java-based product developed to help clients to manage the salaries of their associates including their pension plans.

  • Dynamic creation of as many salary plans as necessary
  • Manage different companies and subsidiaries
  • Manage absence, holidays and sick-days
  • Create multiple pension plans
  • Generate salary slips
  • Generate statistics and reports


SMART is Data Warehousing product developed with the purpose of generating Management Information System.

  • Profitability Reports
  • Cash Flow Reports
  • Forex Reports
  • Create multiple pension plans
  • Budgeting Reports
  • Collateral Management Reports

Performance Reporting System

The Performance Reporting System (PRS) is a Web Based Multidimensional Reporting System that prepares Fund Performance Charts, Awards List, Watch List and Various User Defined Reports . Reports can be based on various data feeds received from credit rating Agencies (Lipper Schweiz , SW in this case ). This data feeds can be on-line, daily basis, weekly basis, or month end basis. PRS supports runtime generation of reports as well as display of preprocessed reports.

  • Supports 4 mutual fund analysis methods ( viz NAV based ,TER adjusted, Swiss Currency & Fund Currency)
  • Supports reports for 5 asset classes ( viz Bonds, Equity, Money Market- Funds, Portfolio, Real Estate)
  • Supports generation of comparative reports against various time horizons
  • Create multiple pension plans
  • Provides comparative reports of client and predefined rival funds